Individuals involved in a Car Accident in Harford County MD need to know what steps should be taken to protect their rights. Obviously, the first thing to do is check and make sure everyone is okay and contact emergency services. If someone is injured, see to their needs first and worry about the other details later. Only when this has been done should a driver move on to the next steps.
Immediately following the accident, obtain information about everyone involved in the accident. This includes their driver’s license number, the license plates of all vehicles, the car insurance information and the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses. A cell phone can be of great help at this time, as the license plates can be photographed along with pictures of the damage to the vehicles. When individuals are injured, the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) will need to be contacted. This is true even when a driver isn’t at fault. If no one is injured, the MVA does not need to be contacted regardless of the amount of property damage.
After the proper authorities have been notified, it’s time to call the insurance company of the responsible driver. Make certain to have all information about the accident on hand during the call, and this includes any police report that was filed. The insurance company will need the number on this report in many cases. They will also need any information that was gathered at the time of the accident, which is why it is best to have everything on hand.
Medical attention should be sought for any injuries that were sustained as a result of the accident. Make certain to inform the doctor that they are a result of the accident, as this may come up later in the case. In addition, now is the time to contact a personal injury attorney for assistance in resolving the matter.
If you have been involved in a Car Accident in Harford County MD, contact Markey Law Firm ( The attorneys will be happy to work with you to make certain your rights are protected at all times. This is of great importance when you have been injured in the accident, as insurance companies have attorneys working for them. You need to ensure you have the same representation, which is exactly what this firm will provide for you.
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