It can be a challenge to save money to purchase a new vehicle. Most people opt to buy a new car because they want the protection that comes from knowing that the car will not break down on them during the first few months of operation. It can be disheartening for a person to purchase a new vehicle only to have it break down repeatedly within the first year of operation.
A Texas Lemon Law attorney can help a person dealing with the vehicle that the state of Texas classifies as a lemon. Typically, car dealers will be sympathetic to your situation. However, they may fail to get the vehicle operating as it should.
For your vehicle to qualify under the Lemon Law, it has to have faced multiple repair attempts that are under warranty. The car’s manufacturer should refund the vehicle’s sale price or replace it if it is considered a lemon.
Unfortunately, this does not always happen without the intervention of a Texas Lemon Law attorney. The Texas Lemon Law is overseen by the Department of Transportation’s motor vehicle division. They have created avenues to resolve Lemon Law disputes that can be easier than court proceedings. A good lawyer should help a client who has purchased a lemon to recoup every dollar they spent on the vehicle, including titles, licensing, deposits, and more.
Learn more about the Texas Lemon Law and see how Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® has been helping victims receive consumer protection when you visit their website.