The chances of buying a vehicle that is classed as a “lemon” in the 21st-century have been reduced by a large amount. Many people will look at the chances of gaining some assistance for their vehicle issues through the so-called lemon law but fail to understand if the law applies to them. Working with a Florida Lemon Law attorney is a great way to make sure the vehicle an owner is struggling with meets the standards of the Lemon Law in the 21st-century.
What is a Lemon?
This is the most difficult question to answer because many people may think they have been sold a problem vehicle but find they do not reach the standards of the Florida law. A Florida lawyer will explain an older vehicle cannot be classed as a lemon because the car must have been bought new from a dealer or the first owner within 24 months of ownership. An owner must have the right to enforce the warranty that is provided by the manufacturer and the vehicle should be in a condition that has kept the manufacturer’s warranty active.
Florida Provides a Three Strike Rule
The state of Florida has attempted to make the lemon law as simple to understand as possible by introducing a three-strikes regulation. An attorney will work with a vehicle owner to ensure their vehicle has been returned to a qualified technician three times to have the same issue repaired. Contact us to discover how a Florida lemon law attorney can help a driver achieve justice.