If there is only minor damage to your car and no one was injured in an accident, it’s not usually necessary to contact an attorney. It is important, however, to contact a Car Accident Attorney in Wilkes-Barre PA when you’ve been injured by due to the carelessness of another individual. If the injuries are minor and you still think you can negotiate a settlement alone, an experienced attorney should review the agreement before it’s signed. When an individual is seriously injured, an insurance company will try to convince the individual they should settle well before they should and for a minimal amount of money.
What Are Serious Injuries?
Serious injuries involve broken bones, scarring, brain damage, spinal cord injury, the loss of a limb, loss of vision, or death from the injuries a victim received. The majority of serious injuries require extensive medical treatment that can last for months, years, or even a lifetime. An injured victim may not be able to return to their previous job and should be compensated for their losses.
What Fees Will The Attorney Charge?
A Car Accident Attorney in Wilkes-Barre PA provides victims with a free consultation to discuss the merits of the case and the legal options available. A personal injury attorney will not receive any compensation for work unless they win a settlement on behalf of the victim. An injury victim should feel confident they would receive the representation needed from a seasoned attorney.
What Type of Compensation Can A Victim Receive?
An innocent victim could receive compensation for lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and medical bills with the help of an attorney. If the victim is unable to return to work, the attorney can help an individual to apply for social security or disability benefits. This would be in addition to receiving a settlement form the negligent insurance company.
The Law Office of Robert D. Elias has more than 32 years of legal experience providing trusted representation involving personal injuries, SSI law, disability law, and workers compensation. They will aggressively fight for each client to receive the highest settlement possible and to settle the case. You can also follow them on Twitter.