DWI and DUI: Is there a Difference?

by | Nov 20, 2017 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Driving under the influence is different from impaired driving. If you’re wondering if DUI and DWI are the same, here’s a bit of background to help you understand why these mean different things:

What the Terms Stand For

DUI or driving under the influence is sometimes used in some states to mean a state of drunken or impaired driving. In this case, it assumes the same meaning as DWI or driving while impaired.

The Confusion of State Definitions

Things start to get tricky, though, when states use the terms, one to refer to an impaired state caused by drugs or unknown substances and the other to refer to an impaired state caused by alcohol. In some cases, DWI means being impaired by drugs while DUI means driving while drunk, says VeryWell. To make sure you understand how it works in your location, consult state laws. If you’ve been charged with a DUI, find a DWI lawyer to help you sort the legal end of things so you’ll know exactly what the charges entail and what the possible consequences might be for you.

The Similarity between the Two

Whether you get charged with a DWI or DUI, though, the results are essentially the same: an ordeal that’s both times consuming as well as expensive. Do yourself a favor and spare yourself the trouble and expense of having to go through all this simply by ensuring you never get behind the wheel when you’re drunk or stoned.

Hiring Legal Help

In case that reminder doesn’t work and you find yourself facing charges, hire a DUI or DWI lawyer to help you. A good lawyer will work tirelessly on your behalf to reduce your charges, lower your fines and lighten your sentence.

Don’t let these charges beat you. Get out of that mess with the help of an experienced attorney.

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