Working with a bankruptcy attorney in Florida is a great way to make the process of filing much easier. It also reduces the risks you face when filing. It’s should come as no surprise that support and guidance from a bankruptcy experts reduces the odds you’ll make mistakes or do something that raises a red flag.
But working with an attorney isn’t something you should rush into. It’s important to evaluate a bankruptcy law firm and make sure they’re the right fit before you move ahead and file. What are three of the most important questions you can ask a bankruptcy attorney in Tampa before hiring them to help you file?
Should I File for Chapter 13 or Chapter 7?
Determining which chapter of bankruptcy is best for you requires the administration of the bankruptcy means test. The test tells you which chapter you qualify for, so you can determine how to proceed.
If both chapters are an option for you, it’s important to have the guidance of an attorney to help you make the best decision. In most cases, for those who qualify, chapter 7 is best because of the dramatic discharge power it offers. But this is not the case for everyone, which is why it’s so important to work with a bankruptcy expert.
How Do I Protect My Assets When I File for Bankruptcy?
Asset protection is one of the main reasons people choose to work with a bankruptcy attorney. Like any legal proceeding, you have a right to represent yourself when you file. But in most cases, this is a mistake and asset protection is one of the primary reasons why. You need someone who understands the bankruptcy process to ensure your assets are protected.
What’s Next after I File?
Bankruptcy is a process. Understanding each phase and having expert guidance to help you through each phase is essential. A bankruptcy attorney in Tampa can help you from beginning to end.